Monday, November 21, 2005

aid kids bracelets

Mcdonald's did a lot of good deeds to kids all over the world. When I went to get a quick meal last night, I found they were holding a new project for kids. I saw some postcards having kids' paintings on them. Something was drawing my attention. It was three different color cotton bracelets-yellow, blue and red colors. Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usThey are very simply style, lovely pattern and substantial words on each of them. "希望" Hope for the yellow, "愛" Love for the red, and "勇敢" for the brave. The chinese was written in ancient scripts. That is very neat. Beside the words, the pattern is also interesting. It seemed like the pattern from aboriginals in Taiwan. I bought them immediately when I saw them. Hm..I do value children and care about their future, however, I don't like children at all. The reason I bought those bracelts mostly because of their unique shape and design.

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