Friday, February 04, 2005

Japan, wait for me.

The trip needs to be cancelled I think..
The annual bonus was less than I expected. Besides, I wouldn't have a decent camera for photography during the trip. After considering, I decided to buy a nice camera first. Maybe I can go to Kyoto this Autume. After the decision, I closed my guide book, cancelled my booking and avoided reading the Japanese trip forum. They would be a very big temptation for me. In the other hand, I started researching some information online for camera. First, I thought Canon IXY50 was just right for me. It was light, thin and good quality images. But people said there are some flaws in this camera. Also, I want more professional camera, which I can really make good photos faster and handier. The moment I wanted to shot were always disappeared too soon.

Today I ordered one camera on net. It is Fuji F810. What I was considering is, it has super CCD, and 6.3mp. Only has it 1.5 sec. to open the lens. Those are totally what I want. Now I am very excited to see my new camera and try some photos. Hope I can post some here as well.

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