Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Tired of living

Just moved to a new office in Main station. My colleagues said I could go shopping easily in this area. Hm....I wondered if I should hear this information. This is a very nice place, very luxury office. But I have a feeling that I got abandoned here. Because of nothing to do at all, I almost sat here for a whole day. I started to think if this was a good job for me. As I was very tired to switch jobs again and again, I really don't know what to do. I thought it would be a perfect job for me. But now things changed a little bit. I got abandoned. When I wanted to work hard and do more contribution, I got abandoned.

Couple weeks ago, I still believe I could have plenty things to do in this company. I got very busy, and finished some cases. It made me feel fulfilled. I didn't have a lot of experience and ambition, but I was fulfilled. Now I even don't get a little piece of article. Frustrated, upset and anxious. More and more evil thoughts told me to leave. Again?!? I really don't know. I almost became a pro- job hunter. I just finally settled down here, and don't want to move again.

I know life itself is a journey, but don't you think it's even too soon to leave an attraction?

Categories: Refections

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