Sunday, June 29, 2008

going out or going home

Tomorrow I am going back to my another home in Taipei. And I probably won't go back to my parents' house for three months. It's always an ackward feeling between me and my family members. I feel like an outsider for quite a few years and i think they could feel it too. I've never been a responsible daughter, which mean taking well care of my parents. I leave the job to my older brother, who has difficulty going out of the city. I think the difficulty came from the fear he couldn't face the society, the gaint competitive world. That leads him to stay home and help me taking care of the parents. How my parents taught us caused the main reason why my brother was so fearful and isolated to the society. They are serious, strict, but also very preserved people. Me and my brother never had a chance to face the obstacles by ourselves. And we never learnt how to express love and affection to people. Luckily I couldn't stand it and leave home early. I learnt and changed my perspectives outside my family. Obviously it turns out I got a healthier mind than my brother. I learnt how to express myself, how to get what I wanted, how to face the society. My brother took the role to take care of my parents and unfortunately suffered some mental illness. 

Now I don't say I was sorry to be obsent for my parents, and my parents wouldn't blame on me. I know they wouldn't. And that's the where the ackward situation come from. I hope my brother get well soon. Perhaps I can't change my parents, but one day I hope I could see some smiles from my brother's face. 

Monday, June 16, 2008

Review-TGUS Vol.1-God of Harmony

T.G.U.S 티져스 Vol. 1 - God of Harmony

01 Intro
02 I Believe In
03 가슴이 시키는 대로
04 One Last Kiss
05 Feel So Good
06 너의 뒤에서
07 Tonight
08 말해
09 무지개
10 Player
11 눈을감아
12 말하지 못한…
13 Outro

I just heard this entire album. "I believe in" is good, but they push a little too high pitch on this song. It feels like they were torturing their voices. And I really don't understand the outro. Even I am a Chinese, I can't get the point. Isn't SM group trying too hard to get in Chinese market? I don't think it's proper to put it in the first album.

There are many elements in this album, very alternative. I do like some songs in this album. For example- "Tonight", very smooth and completed. The group is kind of Boyz to men style. The overall vocal is really strong and cooperative. I couldn't hear anyone was weaker than others, which is good. It creates harmony.

It's good enough for a first album. I am looking forward to hear the second one.

Friday, June 13, 2008

小談Google Reader跟RSSmeme

本身是Google Reader的重度上癮者, 一天的開始於GR, 結束於GR. GR在我的生命中,僅次於Firefox的地位. 聽到其中一個功能Shared Item 加強版出現之後,簡直是心花怒放到了極點. 最主要的是Shared Item 可獨立出來一個介面,可以選擇自己喜歡的主題. 我選擇的是海洋.真是太可愛囉~~(十指交扣中...)
像是簡報一樣, 將自己想share的文章,在文章下面按或Ctrl+S, 就會自動po在這個獨立的網頁中了. 想找這個網頁的網址可以到主頁的左上角選擇"Shared Items". 點進去後,可以先選擇主題,在點擊"at this web page". 網頁就出來囉~也可以email告訴別人自己的網址. 真是太方便了.在台灣大家還是習慣寄一堆有的沒有的新鮮奇怪的東西給別人.有時候真的有點被半強迫看完. 像這樣的網頁,不僅可以非常方便的share自己在讀或有興趣的文章,也讓別人有一點空間,很輕鬆的閱讀.

Tina 的Shared Items

再來介紹的是share item 進階: 有誰share跟我一樣的東西?
RSSmeme - 追蹤所有Google Reader 中所有人的Shared item. 主介面中,

Today 顯示今天最多人share的文章. 按至"Register"輸入shared item 網址,
感覺還蠻妙的.也可因此找到跟自己興趣相仿的人.最後別忘了訂閱別人Shared item 的RSS喔!

Tuesday, June 03, 2008


這是個上載音樂表達心情的網站.將喜歡或者符合心情的音樂上載到網站,設定自己的icon, 文字與顏色,

