Monday, October 01, 2007

To Sandy

To Dearest,

Sorry I couldn't help crying today. I know I was always pretending strong in front of you. I couldn't hear your story anymore, because it's like my history repeated again. How many times I can't help presume what would be happened to you when you told me your romance. This typical old me is happening now to you. I broke my heart just hearing your stories. Countless time I told you to refresh and reboot yourself. Countless time I told you to change the pattern. Today it's the last time I advice you firmly with my tears. Please do take my advise.Please take this vivid example to be someone you would never become.The more I looked back and traced all my energy, my time and my money wasting on those losers, the more I need to tell you the bad ending for this kind of relationships.

Anything I said would be definitely useless if you don't have faith to yourself. Anything i do would be helpless if you have any doubt on sorting this out. It's all on you. The responsibility is all on your shoulders. Nobody could make this happened unless you determinately eager to change. Please take my advise and help yourself. Please do.

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Saturday, September 22, 2007

這樣好嗎? 好像不太好

這樣好嗎? 好像不太好.這樣別人會不會想太多? 應該不會吧.如果是自己來呢? 是不是不會有這麼多閒語? 好像每次自己做事都少一點煩的時間呢? 可是讓別人幫忙一下也無妨阿不是嗎? 都自己做是不是太辛苦太寂寞了一點.多少感謝別人的幫助是不是心裡也比較溫馨一點? 別人會不會也因為幫了我的忙而多增加了什麼呢? 是負擔嗎? 是經驗值嗎? 好像這樣想讓別人做一下也還不錯,我也因此應該會輕鬆許多不是嗎? 還是只是自己又多擔心多連想了一些呢? 這樣麻煩別人之後會不會有什麼後遺症呢? 會不會反而替自己帶來什麼樣的麻煩? 如果讓別人發覺我像是在偷懶,會不會讓對方對我的印象變差? 那是不是我應該要自己來呢? 也許自己來時間與空間上也比較自由吧,講話也可以稍微大聲一點不是嗎? 比較光明正大一點不是? 當然也不是真的去做什麼壞事情,只是這樣永遠都是比較好的事不是嗎? 自己做是不是經驗也會變多一點呢? 可是自己來會不會也是帶給別人高傲的感覺呢? 是不是拒絕了別人反而不好? 讓別人有"我來幫忙有什麼不好呢?"的感覺呢? 還是"這麼不想見到我"的感覺呢? 我真的想不透ㄚ...好像是這樣的吧....打從心裡好像是這樣的吧...到底是怎麼樣呢? 未來的事真的無從查起..是不是這樣的呢?

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Friday, September 21, 2007



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Monday, August 13, 2007

Seen that, done that!



Seen that, done that! It's far from enough to reflect.


Sunday, August 12, 2007

Katrina & Me

Scattering K&T

Thank you for being with me. I couldn't make it without you.

Kan Sa Mi Da!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

July 28th, 2007

Too much places need to be creative, too little inspiration.
I breathe, but I don't really breathe.
I smile, but I don't really care.
Too much history need to be erased, too weak the strength.
I cage myself in this modern jungle to accept the punishment.
There is one light, very little hope, I could beg.
Someday, maybe just some moment, I could escape Its clutches.

From now on, I will wait and see the jungle growing.
I will live 'till I stop
I will grape the light, if I survive.
I will try to be honest to myself, try to accept myself.
This waiting should lead me to be myself truly.


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Never thought of that

It was filled with anger, doubt and prejudgement when looking back the mails we had. After jumping out of the box, I can't believe how carelessly we hurt each other. Maybe we had already known it was going to end badly. I've never hated you in the first place, though I should have. I know it helps me grow up when I realize how cruel the fact was.

That's why I didn't delete either of you. Everytime I saw you both online, it kept reminding me not to do the same thing again. I have faith that I would become a better person because of this kind of crap. And I am going to handle it one by one until I succeed or break down.

I guess I would never contact with you, telling you how bad this man was. And I wonder you might already know. You are a decent girl, I am sure you deserve a better man. He is not man enough for me, neither are you. How he left me will be just like the same as how he would leave you. You and I are not too much different. Maybe you haven't met a really good man in your life yet, however, don't try eagerly to grab anything randomly. He won't rescue you.

My position would never be good enough to advise you. You got to figure it out yourself. Please do so, for your own sake. And about him, I know he would be alone for the rest of his life.

No, it's not a curse, it's a bless, for everyone...

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Super Looow Compatibility

天啊...你...~~~就 啊~~~~~~
Your appearence standard is too killing high, I can't reach la...
Too much pressure makes me weak. It is eating away my proud and dignity.
Please move away my Venus, bring back my Saturn.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

For you

After being excruciatingly heartbroken, you could love a person.
After being completely bankrupt, you could become rich.
After being deeply disrespected, you could be an honor.
After pitch dark night, there would always be dazzling sunshine.

For you, and also for me.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

The unbearable apart

I found I couldn't bear thinking your leaving. When you told me you would go to US to join your boyfriend, I didn't have big reaction. Somehow we seemed like avoiding thinking negatively. But when I looked at the photos that we went for skating, I can't help weeping. At work, we are such good partners. You always know what happened to me when I turned over and looked at you. There are such a joy that we shared everything. We laughed together. It was a big support for me from being so busy and stressed at work. You know my pain, my weakness and my dislike. Only need one look do you know what I wanted to say.

I believe you will get happiness, because you are such a wonderful person. I'll miss your elegant, considerate, bright and funny personality. I'll miss the days we lunched, shared works, updated our relationship crap status together, and simply just seeing you around made me feel safe. I really hope you enjoy your rejoining with bf, and live happily ever after. I know you hate studying, but please do so for your independence and get a better job in US. If things go nasty, and you couldn't go back to your mom either, I am always here for you. This is the permanent place you could stay.

I can't help feeling sad, but I shouldn't be. You have bright future waiting for you, and you deserve it.
